Sunday, May 18, 2008

Birthday wishes to a VERY SPECIAL SISTER...

It's been almost a month since I've posted an article. Sigh....

I was going to postpone blogging till next week for a reason


It's TEAL's bday today and yes you guessed right, TEAL's my sister, the baby of the family though she's anything but...

18 May... though I was very young then, I still remember the day like it was yesterday. A Saturday morning.... staring at that big bright pink baby in that cot... hmmnnn... And I remember the day she opened her eyes...

Anywayz, sorry to go down memory lane

BUT it's today and I cannot but wish her a very happy birthday. She's always been there for me.... especially in the past month.... checking up on me twice a day till she got broke I

This is just my way of saying THANK YOU and wishing you God's guidance and blessings today and alwayz....

Lots of love...

My piece of advice for today...

And don't forget what I said about my cake...


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